👉 What is MERN stack ?
* MERN stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJs.
* This is a combination simply a stack of all 4 technologies listed above.
* A MERN Project structure is simple represented as:
The Database of the project is : Mongo Database [Document Database].
The front-end/ UI : React JS.
The web framework : Express JS.
The web server : Node JS
* MERN is considered as the ideal way to work with JS and JSON in the industry.
👉 What is the MERN stack architecture ?
* The MERN stack project can be either implemented in client-server (CS) architecture or the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
* Either way the basic architecture of a MERN stack project consists of Front-end, back-end and database.
* This can be represented as follows:
👉 React JS front-end.
* The front-end of a MERN stack project is developed through the React JS.
* React JS is a popular JS (JavaScript) framework which is used to create UI which renders the UI as the HTML page but actually codes in JS.
* React JS is used in the front-end due to data driven interfaces with minimal code and the feature of handling the events.
* React JS also provides features like hooks. webPack, Parcel, state and props to increase the supportability and usability.
👉 ExpressJS and NodeJS.
* Express JS is a server-side framework running on NodeJS server.
* Express JS is meant to be popular due to URL routing and handling HTTP request and response.
* React JS interface interacts with the Express JS through HTTP requests like GET, POST, etc to update or modify data in MongoDB.
* The functions implemented using Express JS calls the MongoDB driver through callbacks or promises to access the data in database.
👉 Mongo Database.
* Mongo DB is used to store all the data that flows through the front-end.
* The Reacts JS , Express JS and Node JS make use of MongoDB for data handling.
* JSON comes into action when Mongo DB is used in a MERN stack project.
* All data that are transmitted from the front-end are stored as JSON objects in Mongo DB.
* Storing data as JSON facilitates in easy access and organized data storage.
. 👉 Pre-requirements to start a MERN stack project.
* In this blog lets list down all the pre-conditions needed to start MERN project which means the packages that facilitates the MERN stack.
* In coming blogs lets look into each important steps involved in a simple MERN project.
* We will be using a Client Server architecture for the MERN project.
* All the packages that are needed by client and server are listed below:
* The above table shows all the required packages needed to create a MERN stack project.
* HINT : You can use koaJS instead of ExpressJS according to your requirement in the project.
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